Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: EGYPT: WIPO-JPO-EAIP Sub-Regional Seminar on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property for Law Enforcement Officials from selected Arabic-speaking Countries in Africa
Description: The objectives in line with Expected Result 4.3 are: - To highlight the importance of enforcing IP rights for the social, economic and cultural development of the participating countries, particularly in addressing health and safety concerns; - To improve the skills and raise the level of knowledge relating to IPR enforcement among law enforcement officials; - To exchange experiences on national and regional strategies for effective cooperation to address trademark counterfeiting and copyright piracy; and - To encourage the public and private sectors to cooperate on combatting IP infringement.
Type: Face-to-Face Meeting
IP Subject Area: Industrial Property
WIPO Sector: IP for Business Division
Date From: 03/12/2024 - 05/12/2024
Venue City: Cairo
Venue/Host Country: Egypt
Activity held in Language: English , Arabic

Beneficiary / Participant Countries

Country Name No. of Members / Participants
Algeria 3
Egypt 50
Libya 3
Mauritania 3
Morocco 3
Tunisia 3
Total Number of Participants:  65