This page presents information on meetings held, and documents, studies and other material prepared, in the context of three Development Agenda (DA) projects on technology transfer and open collaboration, namely:
- Innovation and Technology Transfer Support Structure for National Institutions (Rec. 10_03)
- Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer: “Common Challenges – Building Solutions” (Recs. 19, 25, 26 and 28)
- Open Collaborative Projects and IP-Based Models (Rec. 36)
A dedicated web forum also exists for comments and feedback.

Innovation and technology transfer support structure for national institutions
- WIPO Patent Drafting Manual
- Successful Technology Licensing
- Exchanging Value: Negotiating Technology Licensing Agreements
- Intellectual Property Audit Tool
- IP Asset Development & Management: A Key Strategy for Economic Growth
IP Asset Management Support for Universities
As one of the primary sources of generation of new technologies in developing and countries in transition, universities and R&D institutions increasingly play an important role in the process of technological innovation, technology transfer and commercialization of intellectual property (IP) arising from research activities, which ultimately contribute to national economic, social and cultural development. A new initiative is being created to respond to the needs of this important WIPO constituency and will soon be available on this web site.
Intellectual property and technology transfer: “common challenges – building solutions”
Regional consultations
- WIPO Meeting with IGOs, NGOs, Professional Associations and Selected Experts for the Project on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, October 28, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Second WIPO Regional Consultation Meeting on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, January 29 - 30, 2013 (Algiers, Algeria)
- Third WIPO Regional Consultation Meeting on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, October 24 - 25, 2013 (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Fourth WIPO Regional Consultation Meeting on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, November 25 - 26, 2013 (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Fifth WIPO Regional Consultation Meeting on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, December 5 - 6, 2013 (Monterrey, Mexico)
Technology transfer studies
- Economics of IP and International Technology Transfer (by A. Damodaran - September 18, 2014)
- Intellectual Property-Related Policies and Initiatives in Developed Countries to Promote Technology Transfer (by Sisule Musungu - September 23, 2014)
- Case Studies on Cooperation and Exchange Between R&D Institutions in Developed and Developing Countries (by Bowman Heiden and Ulf Petrusson - September 23, 2014)
- Policies Fostering the Participation of Businesses in Technology Transfer (by Philip Mendes - September 18, 2014)
- International Technology Transfer: An Analysis from the Perspective of Developing Countries (by Keith Maskus and Kamal Saggi - September 19, 2014)
- Alternatives to the Patent System that are used to Support R&D Efforts, Including both Push and Pull Mechanisms, with a Special Focus on Innovation-Inducement Prizes and Open Source Development Models (by James Packard Love - September 19, 2014)

WIPO Expert Forum on International Technology Transfer, February 16 to 18, 2015 (Geneva, Switzerland), Program | Speakers
| Media story | Report
Open collaborative projects and IP-based models
- Open-Ended Meeting with Member States in the Framework of the Development Agenda Project on Open Collaborative Projects and IP-Based Models, June 18, 2012 (Geneva, Switzerland)
- WIPO Conference on Open Innovation: Collaborative Projects and the Future of Knowledge, January 22 to January 23, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland), Program
| Speakers
| Media story | In-Depth Evaluation Study
Study and Atlas
- Taxonomy-Analytical Study (by Linus Dahlander, David Gann and Gerard George - October 31, 2011)
- Atlas of Global Knowledge Flows (by Gary Goldman, Kris Oswalt, Adriana Valdez Young, Becky Band Jain, Alexandre Toureh, John Toner, Gaurav Sharma, Ms. Irene Inouye, Haya Shaath, Jitesh Dhoot and Vikesh Ojh - September 19, 2014)