The WIPO Development Agenda ensures that development considerations form an integral part of WIPO's work. The effective implementation of the Development Agenda, including the mainstreaming of its recommendations into our substantive programs, is a key priority. The adoption of the Development Agenda was an important milestone for WIPO.
The actions undertaken to implement the Development Agenda recommendations range from practical projects and activities, to the application of certain principles and objectives to our work.
The online searchable Catalogue provides structured and detailed information on all DA projects, reports and outputs (studies, guides, databases). The Catalogue also allows users to filter their search by different criteria, which includes IP rights, IP themes, project status, key words, etc.
The Guidebook for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of DA projects provides information on the entire project lifecycle: preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The Guidebook is part of a support package prepared for Member State representatives, WIPO staff contributing to DA projects at any stage of its lifecycle, and DA project evaluators. English , Arabic , French , Spanish , Russian , Chinese .
Improving the understanding of the potential of IP for income generation in mobile applications and empowering mobile application developers with tools for using IP in their work.
Bringing together creative businesses to generate collaborations and mutual learning opportunities.
Other activities
In addition to practical projects, the DA recommendations are also implemented through various activities, the application of certain principles and objectives to the work of WIPO, as well as through the development of resources and databases.
IP and Development
Under the CDIP agenda item “IP and Development”, Member States discuss IP and development-related issues. In 2018, the CDIP agreed to discuss one topic per session and to establish a Roster of Topics , which includes proposals by Member States. The Roster is open for contributions by Member States at any time, and is being periodically updated.
Independent review
The 2010 WIPO General Assembly requested the CDIP to undertake an "Independent Review of the Implementation of the Development Agenda Recommendations". The report prepared by the Review Team contained 15 findings, 14 conclusions and 12 recommendations .
The CDIP adopted 10 of those recommendations and is currently in the process of negotiating how to implement them, based on a proposal made by the Secretariat.
IP systems have built-in flexibilities to allow member states to implement IP laws and policies that are most suited to their national and regional circumstances and capacities. Find resources on the use and implementation of flexibilities across the different domains of IP, and details of work taking place at WIPO and in other intergovernmental organizations.
Developed under Recommendation 5, the Intellectual Property Technical Assistance Database (IP-TAD) provides information on WIPO's technical assistance activities where one or more of the beneficiaries was a developing or least developed country, or country in transition.
WIPO Match is an online tool to match seekers of specific intellectual property (IP)-related development needs with potential providers offering resources. WIPO Match is the new name for the IP Development Matchmaking Database (IP DMD).
Information on meetings held and documents, studies and other material prepared in the context of three Development Agenda projects on technology transfer and open collaboration.
Developed under Recommendation 6, the Roster of Consultants (ROC) database contains information on consultants engaged by WIPO to undertake specific IP technical assistance activities.